
At Deansgate Dental Studio, we can help fix and repair a smile with missing or damaged teeth through the placement of a dental bridge.

Dental bridges are one of the most popular ways to repair a gap in the smile. Not only are they cost-effective, but modern bridges are also aesthetically pleasing, offering patients a way to repair their smile and return full function to their mouth at the same time.

For more information on this treatment, or to simply book an appointment get in touch with us.
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1. What is a dental bridge?

Dental bridges are made up of a prosthetic tooth or teeth, held in place by using the surrounding teeth as support. We can use one or two teeth as support anchors, and the prosthesis can be held in place via either a metal or porcelain frame that is attached to the neighbouring tooth or teeth, or by crowns. We’ll be able to ascertain which type of bridge is most suitable for you at an initial consultation with us.

2. What is the treatment process like?

Bridges can usually be applied over two appointments. At your first appointment, we’ll prepare the neighbouring teeth to act as the anchors for your new prosthesis before taking a digital scan or impression. This will be used to make your dental bridge. Once your bridge has been made, you’ll come back into the practice so that we can place it for you, making sure the fit is correct and you’re comfortable wearing it. However, we’re also able to provide bridges on the same day with our Cerec machine – if you’re interested in this cutting-edge, convenient option, talk to us in-practice to find out more about it.

3. Why do I need a bridge?

Replacement of missing or severely damaged teeth is of great importance, as it can have knock-on effects on the rest of the mouth, leading to an increased risk of tooth decay, misalignment of remaining teeth, and loss of bone density to the jaw. It can also cause difficulty eating and speaking, and cause patients to feel self-conscious about their teeth and smile. The placement of a dental bridge can address all these problems at once, leaving you feeling much more confident about your smile, and helping to secure the long-term health of your mouth.

4. What are the alternatives to a bridge?

Other options that fulfil a similar function to a bridge include dentures and implants.

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Giving you the bite and smile you desire.

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Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful

Thich Nhat Hanh

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